
Opening day for image sharing!

At Burning Japan 2021, all the participants agreed not to post images and videos during the event and right after. In stead, we have set the opening day as Sunday August 1st for starting image and video posts on SNS. Burning man...
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What is LNT? What is MOOP?

Like the other Burning man related events, Burning Japan is also a “Leave no trace” event where participants are responsible for cleaning up and packing everything out after the event. Take everything home, leave no trace and make the location cleaner than...
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Get ready for the heat wave!

You have received COVID-19 safety guideline with the survival guide already. And you need to watch out for another danger, the heat and humidity right after the rainy season. The theme camp area gets a lot of sun and it is very...
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One week to go!

There is only a week to go! Everybody seems to be busy preparing for the next weekend, so we are planning to share a couple of precautions divided in a few posts till the gate opens. 【A call for Rangers】 Volunteers needed...
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Tickets arriving!

All the tickets were mailed on Sunday, July 11th from Tokyo. You should be receiving them in a few days. Please notify us when the number of tickets were incorrect or you didn’t receive anything at all. Burning Japan 2021 is...
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