「準備 - Preparation」の版間の差分

1行目: 1行目:
== 日本語 ==
== 日本語 ==
=== 🐣準備 ===
* 最も近いスーパーマーケットやコンビニエンスストアは車で20分以上かかる。
* 公共交通機関は1日3便しかない。
* 現地では飲料水や電気は使えません。
* トイレは用意しますが、トイレットペーパーは持参してください。
* 最寄りの温泉までは車で20分です。
* 高地での準備 キャンプ場は標高1,400メートルにあるため、気温が低く、天候が不安定になる可能性があります。
* 必需品を持参すること: 滞在に必要な食料、水、キャンプ用品は十分に用意しておくこと。
* 自給自足を心がけましょう: 近隣にサービスがないため、基本的なものは自給自足するようにしましょう。
=== 🍝食料戦略 ===
{| class="wikitable"
|防虫対策が必要 調理済み肉、魚、牛乳、冷凍調理食品
|防虫対策が必要 生の肉、魚、牛乳
=== 🗺️ギア ===

牛の餌に気を配り、LNT(Leave No Trace)の原則を必ず実践してから出発してください。
牛の餌に気を配り、LNT(Leave No Trace)の原則を必ず実践してから出発してください。

=== 🎒 持ち物 - 必須 ===
==== 🎒 持ち物 - 必須 ====

* チケット(携帯または印刷したもの)、写真付き身分証明書。
* チケット(携帯または印刷したもの)、写真付き身分証明書。
16行目: 72行目:
* ガスコンロ/ジェットボイラー
* ガスコンロ/ジェットボイラー
* ゴミ袋
* ゴミ袋
* 携帯灰皿(タバコを吸う場合)
* トイレットペーパー 会場にトイレはありますが、トイレットペーパーはありません。
* 携帯灰皿(タバコを吸う方)

=== 🎒 持ってきた方がいいもの-あった方がいいもの ===
==== 🎒 持ち物-あった方が良いもの ====

* 救急箱
* 救急箱
35行目: 92行目:
* コンドーム
* コンドーム

=== 🏕️テーマキャンプのみ ===
==== 🏕️テーマキャンプのみ ====

* キャンプ登録をされない場合、以下のものを持ち込むことはできません:
* キャンプ登録をされない場合、以下のものを持ち込むことはできません:
43行目: 100行目:
* 100ワットを超える音響スピーカー
* 100ワットを超える音響スピーカー

=== ⛔️ 家に置いておくこと ===
==== ⛔️ 家に置いておくこと ====

* 武器、薬物、その他日本の法律で禁止されているもの
* 武器、薬物、その他日本の法律で禁止されているもの
65行目: 122行目:

== English ==
== English ==
=== 🐣Preparation ===
Burning Japan might not be as extreme as the desert environment of Burning Man in Nevada, but there are still important things to consider:
* The closest supermarket or convenience store is at least a 20-minute drive away.
* Public transportation is only available three time a day.
* There is no access to drinkable water or electricity on-site.
* We will provide toilets, but you must bring your own toilet paper.
* The nearest spa is a 20-minute drive away.
* Make sure you are prepared for 4 days at an altitude of 1,400 meters in the mountains.
Here are some additional details you might want to consider for campers:
* Prepare for high-altitude conditions: The campsite is at an altitude of 1,400 meters, so weather can be cooler and more unpredictable.
* Bring essential supplies: Ensure you have enough food, water, and camping gear for the duration of your stay.
* Be self-sufficient: Due to the lack of nearby services, plan to be self-reliant for your basic needs.
=== 🍝Food Strategy ===
The easiest way to manage food is to refill supplies at the nearby supermarket (20 minutes away) every 2 days.
If you cannot or don't plan to refill for food, here’s a guide for storing different types of food based on temperature and duration:
{| class="wikitable"
|Room Temperature
|Not Needed
|Cans, Dried Foods(Cup Ramen, Pasta), Grains (Rice, Flour), Nuts, Crackers, Cookies, Chips
|Room Temperature
|Needed against insects
|Vegetables, Eggs, Dried Beans/Dried Beans/Lentils, Industrial Sausage
|Room Temperature
|Needed against insects
|Pasterized Milk
|Cooler Box
|Needed against insects
|Cooked Meat, Fish, Milk, Frozen Cooked Food
|Cooler Box
|Needed against insects
|Raw Meat, Fish, Milk
Additionally you can cook food in advance and freeze it to be used during the event.
=== 🗺️Gears ===
Tsumagoi Bokujo is a cow pasture throughout the year. There is no electricity or running water available.
Tsumagoi Bokujo is a cow pasture throughout the year. There is no electricity or running water available.

Please be mindful of the cows food and make sure to practice Leave No Trace (LNT) principles before leaving.
Please be mindful of the cows food and make sure to practice Leave No Trace (LNT) principles before leaving.

=== 🎒 What to bring - Mandatory ===
==== 🎒 What to bring - Mandatory ====
* '''Your Ticket''' (on your phone or printed), '''and photo ID.'''
* '''Your Ticket''' (on your phone or printed), '''and photo ID.'''
* '''Your Own Dishes''', You are supposed to bring and take responsibility for your own cup, bowl and cutlery. There will be participants offering you food or drinks and you will miss out without a cup!
* '''Your Own Dishes''', You are supposed to bring and take responsibility for your own cup, bowl and cutlery. There will be participants offering you food or drinks and you will miss out without a cup!
82行目: 195行目:

* '''Trash Bag'''
* '''Trash Bag'''
* '''Toilet Paper''' There are Toilets at the event, but no toilet paper.
* '''Portable ash tray''' (if you smoke)
* '''Portable ash tray''' (if you smoke)

=== 🎒 What to bring - Better to Have ===
==== 🎒 What to bring - Better to Have ====
* '''First aid'''
* '''First aid'''
* '''Cooler box''' Weather won't be hot, but especially for meat, you need cool temperature.
* '''Cooler box''' Weather won't be hot, but especially for meat, you need cool temperature.
101行目: 214行目:
* '''Condoms'''
* '''Condoms'''

=== 🏕️Theme Camps Only ===
==== 🏕️Theme Camps Only ====
If you do not register your camp, you are <u>not allowed</u> to bring the following items:
If you do not register your camp, you are <u>not allowed</u> to bring the following items:

109行目: 222行目:
* Sound Speakers louder than 100 watts
* Sound Speakers louder than 100 watts

=== ⛔️ Leave at home ===
==== ⛔️ Leave at home ====
* Weapons, Drugs or anything else that is prohibited by Japanese law
* Weapons, Drugs or anything else that is prohibited by Japanese law
* Non-biodegradable glitter
* Non-biodegradable glitter
* Pet, sorry we can not accept pet for safety reason.
* Pet, sorry we can not accept pet for safety reason.

=== 🚁 Drones ===
==== 🚁 Drones ====
Drones are permitted in the main area. But feel fly them carefully above crowded area.
Drones are permitted in the main area. But feel fly them carefully above crowded area.

