イベント中 - During the event

提供:BurningJapan Wiki
2024年7月14日 (日) 09:18時点におけるToma (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (ページの作成:「== 🎌日本語 == == 💂English == At Burning Japan, all events and activities are created by participants, whether prepared in advance, such as theme camps, or created in the moment. Participants are invited to join any of these events or activities and to create their own experiences. === 🎉Events and Activities === We can not list all events and activities. Some Theme Camps listed their tentative schedules here (you can add your own too): 完全スケ…」)
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At Burning Japan, all events and activities are created by participants, whether prepared in advance, such as theme camps, or created in the moment. Participants are invited to join any of these events or activities and to create their own experiences.

🎉Events and Activities

We can not list all events and activities.

Some Theme Camps listed their tentative schedules here (you can add your own too):

完全スケジュール - Full Schedule

If you plan to create your own theme camp, check this page:

テーマキャンプ - Theme Camp

🍳 Cooking

You're in charge of your own cooking. You can use both gas cookers, electric stoves or a small BBQ.

For BBQ, use a Fireproof Mat to protect the ground and avoid MOOP.

💩 Toilets

There will be toilet facilities located around the site (indicated on the map). Only the 4 Ps should go in any toilet: Pee, Poop, Paper, Period blood. NO wet wipes, tampons, plastic or any other objects.

Do not use the forest as your toilet: It’s unacceptable during the burn with so many people. Human faeces can cause serious illness and pollute the groundwater. Please don’t poop or pee anywhere other than the toilets provided!

You can volunteer to help with toilets maintenance.

🚰 Water

There are no water taps. Please bring your own water.

Non-drinkable water will be provided to wash your dish. Please be careful to not dispose water with non-biodegradable product directly on the ground and use grey water tank.


There is no shower. If you use your own showers, please be careful to not dispose water with non-biodegradable product directly on the ground and use grey water tank.

You can also visit Onsen:

🌲 Leaving during the week

You are of course allowed to leave Borderland during the week. However, we advise you not to do so. When you leave, you pop your bubble, the weird little illusion that we manage to trap your brain in inside The Borderland. When people leave, it usually takes them time to get back into the mood when they come back, which also affects others.

Put your full focus on living in our imaginary land for the whole week. You have 51 weeks a year to live in the default world. Plan to do your shopping before the event.

💬 Talk to people

Once you are here, you will quickly realize that people are very open, curious and friendly and even just passing by a stranger is often accompanied by eye-contact and smiles (also be prepared for many hugs;). Of course  you don’t have to stay within your own camp only, pick up some courage and say hello to people and you will be surprised what all emerges and whom you will get to know.

💌 Gifting

You will not be able to buy or sell anything at the Borderland. You will however find that people will want to give you gifts (ranging from a foot massage to a delicious cocktail), and you will quickly find that you want to do the same.

So before the event, take some time to think about what it is that you would like to gift. It can be anything from something drinkable/edible, to a thing you made, to a shoulder to cry on, to helping set something up, to a workshop or performance. Gift your being, time, energy. The important thing is that you want to gift it and don’t expect anything in return.

Of course you are in your full right to politely decline gifts, and don't be sad if someone says "No thank you". Consent concerns gifting too, so never give without offering first. Plus all get to practice the receiving and gifting of  a “hell yes” or “no thanks babycakes” ,its a win win.

👫Participate in workshops

There will be a lot of workshops and events during the week. Everything is organised by anyone who feels like it, also by you if you want! This might vary from being a small group doing yoga, someone teaching contact impro dancing, a sensual laughter workshop, a shibari session or a syntheist mass....No subject is taboo at the Borderland.

The weeks before the Borderland people will start posting info about their events - keep track of anything that interests you. The JOMO guide will be put together to inform us about what happends, when and where.

✨ Submit your events/workshops to the Joy-Of-Missing-Out-guide by filling the JOMO-guide form: https://forms.gle/KZ1b9wcCrYcZaYBp6 ✨

🎶Sound guide

Sound and music is a huge part of Borderland, and it usually impacts a lot of people. The Borderland is divided into different sound zones. Make sure you know what zone your is located in. Here is the Borderland sound guide: link

🤡 Take a Clown Police shift

It is highly recommended to sign up for at least one shift as a Clown Police the first year you are at the Borderland. You will get a proper introduction before your shift, will meet many veteran burners that are more than happy to share their stories with you, and it gives you a perfect excuse to go around and talk to people. You won't regret it! Taking a shift the earlier days is the best, as you will meet people you wish you had met earlier... (if this is your second Borderland or more, you already know clown shifts are great - and we need borderlings with different experience)

🎉Sign up today!🎉


The burn officially ends on the Sunday, please plan to pack down an fully remove your camp by the end of the day. The power grid will be disconnected at 12.00 Sunday. See more under #LNT.

✨ Summary

Be here, now. Come prepared to be awed, to throw all expectations out the window, to be surprised, be yourself or someone you always dreamed of, to take some risks, whatever that looks like for you. Come prepared to work, lift, co-create, invent, make shit up.

Give. Love. Be open. Be respectful. Dance. Survive. Experiment. Dream. Participate. Try. Do. Don’t. Express yourself. Create. Build. Sing. Include. Always remember consent. Leave your phone, time is different, get lost.

Plan on living in the moment. Ask, if unclear. Read this guide. High-five the Clown Police. Eat. Hydrate. Drink. Illuminate. Inspire. Invite. Invent. Impress. Talk. Whisper. Listen. Sleep. Or don’t.

Wander off alone. Talk to a stranger. The Borderland is full of friends you haven’t met yet.

Massage someone. Be curious. Make up. Make out. Encourage someone. Reflect. Let go. Hug. Hug again. Take a shit. Pee regularly. Dress up. Dress down. Get naked. Get lost. Scream. Search. Find yourself. Live like you’ve never lived before. Go all in. Do what you need to do. Take care of yourself. Leave no trace. Step out of your comfort zone. Learn something new. Share a perspective. Allow yourself to change. Cross the border between dreams and reality.

🛺 The BL DMV (Borderland Department of Muddy Vehicles)

Mutant vehicles are a big part of burns around the world, and they create unique experiences for participants. The DMV encourages you to play and express your creativity with your mutant vehicle. At the same time, we would like to stress that great care and consideration must be given to ensure the safety of all participants. We therefore give you the very first BL DMV Safety and Mutation Regulations.

Is your mutant vehicle is motorized? Whether it’s combustion, electrical or other, and it can’t easily be lifted by one person, it must be registered and inspected by the BL DMV. The DMV is a sub department of the DoET. All registrations and inspections will be made at the DoET garage.


Your mutant vehicle must be significantly mutated or be of a significantly unique design and decorated in a way that makes it stand out. Tying a teddy-bear to a quadbike does not a mutant vehicle make. Make an effort.

Safety first (no, this is not a typo). Make sure that your mutant vehicle has no sharp edges or pointy bits sticking out that might cut someone or something or in any other way hurt a person.

Bigger mutant vehicles must have a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit onboard.

When driving at night, make sure that your mutant vehicle is lit up and has sufficient lighting for you to see ahead. The roads at Alversjö aren’t that great, and there are trees and fog that severely diminishes visibility – yours and that of others.

Radical self-reliance. Bring your own toolkit, starter cables, tire repair kit, etc. The DMV is not responsible for fixing your broken-down mutant vehicle or pulling it out of a ditch if you drove it off the road. But if you ask us nicely, we might consider helping you out.

Make sure that your mutant vehicle has tires with good traction. The roads at Alversjö aren’t exactly in mint condition. They’re narrow and uneven, with stones and rocks, and they can get muddy. Tires with good traction will help you from getting stuck - or worse: slide uncontrollably off a steep slope.

Build your mutant vehicle in a way so that it’s mechanically and electrically reliable. Trust us when we say that it sucks spending half your burn trying to fix something on your mutant vehicle, just because you couldn't be bothered to do it right the first time.

Don’t be a dick. Be aware of your surroundings. Blasting music from your mutant vehicle can make for a good party - but are you in a loud or in a quiet zone?

Leave No Trace. When decorating your mutant vehicle, make sure to use materials that won’t fall off and MOOP, be it paint flakes, glitter, stringy plastic bits, etc.

Mutant vehicles tend to attract MOOP from other participants. Therefore, it’s important to have a plan for how to take care of MOOP, even if it’s not yours to begin with. Once it’s on your vehicle, it IS your MOOP.

All mutant vehicles must be removed from the Borderland.land no later than 4 days after the event, unless other arrangements have been made with the BLorg and the DMV.

🧑‍🦼 Mobility vehicles that are for special needs only are exempt from the rules above. We do, however, encourage you to give your vehicle some sort of decoration. Please also feel free to just come by and say hi to us if you feel like it :)