チケット - Tickets

提供:BurningJapan Wiki







Ticket Price Comments
Burner Ticket ¥15,000 Normal Ticket
First timer's Ticket ¥12,000 For those attending Burning Japan for the first time
Under 26 Ticket ¥9,000 For those under 26 years old as of December 31, 2024
Under 12 Ticket Free For those under 12 years old as of December 31, 2024


  • 12歳未満(2024年12月31日現在)のお子様は無料でご入場いただけますが、安全および保険上の理由から登録が必要です。
  • 年齢確認のため、入場時に身分証明書の提示をお願いする場合があります。本物のIDが必要、日本人なら免許証、保険証、マイナンバー、学生証など、示せるものを所持しておくこと。事故の場合に備え必ず持っておく必要あり。コピーでも許可する。
  • 入場管理を簡素化するため、チケットの購入は1カテゴリーにつき1人3枚までとさせていただきます。
  • 出来れば、お一人様1枚までとさせていただいてありがたいです。
  • Burning Japanの10 Principles」を確認し、いくつかの質問に答えていただく必要があります(質問への回答は任意です)。








Tickets Price Comments
Parking Ticket ¥3,000 1 ticket per car
Camping Car Ticket ¥8,000 Very Limited


  • バイク・自転車はチケット不要です。



Tickets can be purchased here:


There are virtually unlimited tickets in each category, so you don't need to worry about availability.

There are 4 categories of tickets:

Ticket Price Comments
Burner Ticket ¥15,000 Normal Ticket
First timer's Ticket ¥12,000 For those attending Burning Japan for the first time
Under 26 Ticket ¥9,000 For those under 26 years old as of December 31, 2024
Under 12 Ticket Free For those under 12 years old as of December 31, 2024

Please note:

  • Children under 12 years old (as of December 31, 2024) can attend for free, but must be registered for safety and insurance purposes.
  • ID may be required at the entrance for age verification. If you are Japanese, you must have a document to show, such as a driver's license, insurance card, my number, student ID, etc. You must have it in case of an accident. Photocopies are allowed.
  • Each person is limited to purchasing 3 tickets per category to simplify entrance management.
  • We even prefer that each person purchases only 1 ticket for themselves.
  • You will need to acknowledge the Burning Japan 10 principles and answer a few questions (though answering them is not mandatory).

📱QR Code

After purchasing your ticket, you will receive a (or several) QR code from Peatix. We strongly recommend taking a screenshot of this (or all) QR code. This precaution ensures you can access your ticket even if mobile network coverage is poor at the event entrance.

🚗Vehicle Tickets

Parking at the venue is limited. (We might be able to extend the parking area, but you might need to walk a bit more.)

We strongly recommend carpooling to maximize passenger numbers and suggest offering rideshares on our Discord channel:


If you plan to use your vehicle as a camping car, you can purchase specific camping car tickets. These tickets are very limited due to space constraints.

Tickets Price Comments
Parking Ticket ¥3,000 1 ticket per car
Camping Car Ticket ¥8,000 Very Limited

Please note:

  • Motorbikes or bicycles do not require a ticket.